Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has launched the Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar program, providing free 3-marla residential plots to deserving families. This initiative aims to offer affordable housing and improve the quality of life for underprivileged citizens.
Zahra Homes/Maskan Ravi Scheme: Affordable Housing
Maryam Nawaz recently inaugurated the Zahra Homes/Maskan Ravi Scheme in Kala Shah Kaku. Part of the larger Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar program, this project offers interest-free loans of up to Rs. 1.5 million for families to build their homes.
Key Highlights of Zahra Homes
- Number of Houses Completed: 100 houses built in just 2.5 months.
- House Size: Each home is 400 square feet, featuring:
- 2 bedrooms
- A kitchen
- A bathroom
- A courtyard
- Advanced Features:
- Earthquake-proof construction
- Energy-efficient, eco-friendly design using EPS Smart Panel Technology
- 5 kW solar power systems for each house
Community Facilities
The Maskan Ravi community includes:
- An RO plant for clean drinking water
- A school
- A playground
- A mosque
- A dispensary
This housing scheme is a joint effort by the Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) and EPS Solutions Pakistan.
Allotment of Houses to 100 Families
During the inauguration, Maryam Nawaz handed over allotment letters and keys to 100 families. She praised the quality of the houses and the provided facilities, emphasizing the project’s rapid and efficient completion.
Upcoming 3 Marla Plot Scheme
Maryam Nawaz announced a new plan to distribute free 3-marla plots to deserving individuals, further expanding affordable housing under the Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar program.
Progress and Future Plans for the 3 Marla Plot Program
- Loan Disbursement and Expansion:
- Over 5,000 residents have already availed loans under the program.
- 4,200 houses are currently under construction.
- The CM directed officials to expedite loan disbursement and consider increasing the loan amount from Rs. 1.5 million to Rs. 2 million.
Focus on Agriculture and Energy
Maryam Nawaz emphasized development in other sectors, including:
- Accelerating the distribution of tractors and farming equipment to farmers.
- 2,000 superseders will be added to the already allocated 10,000 tractors by February 28.
- Promoting solar energy and industrial growth to transform Punjab’s economy.
Benefits of the 3 Marla Plot Program
- Free Housing: Provides residential plots for low-income families.
- Improved Living Standards: Uplifts the quality of life for deserving individuals.
- Supportive Community: Offers essential facilities like schools, mosques, and healthcare centers.
- Sustainability: Promotes energy-efficient and eco-friendly construction practices.
Maryam Nawaz’s commitment to affordable housing and community development is paving the way for a brighter future in Punjab. The 3 Marla Plot Program is a significant step in ensuring everyone has a place to call home.